Maxim Kononov


First Deputy Executive Director
The Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Kazakhstan

Maxim Kononov has a 15 years of experience in mining. Under current position within the largest industrial association of Kazakhstan - the Association of MIning and Metallurgical Enterprises (AGMP) he is responsible for overseeing issues related to the antitrust regulation, taxation, foreign economic activities, and industry regulation. The scope of his activities includes:
- representation and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of mining and metallurgical enterprises in government bodies;
- expert review of draft regulatory legal acts;
- participation in the legislative process within working groups at ministries and the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- conducting analytical and research work;
- development of international cooperation.

1 Session
02 December 2024 / 09:00 - 10:30 | Auditorium

Current aspects of the development of the mining industry in Kazakhstan

The speech will highlight current activities related to the development of cooperation with potential investors including update on the recent and anticipated amendments to the mining legislation in Kazakhstan.