Peline Atamer
Head of Programme
Peline Atamer is a senior policy analyst and Head of Sustainable Infrastructure and Green Growth Unit at the OECD's Global Relations and Co-operation Directorate and Environment Directorate. She cumulates over 10 years of experience working on economic diversification and sustainable development in Eurasia. Her work covers assessments of investment and innovation policies, including sector-specific analytical work in industry, sustainable agri-foods, and digitalization. Peline is currently leading the Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia (SIPA) in Central Asia, a capacity-building programme that helps governments align investments on low-carbon targets in energy, transport and hard-to-abate industries. Prior to joining the OECD in 2014, Peline worked in the private sector as a consultant, delivering projects for public and private organizations in transport, energy and industrial sectors.
Developing critical mineral sectors in Eurasia: opportunities and challenges
The need for critical minerals to achieve the clean energy transition is giving new impetus to the development of mining sectors in Eurasia. These countries are well endowed in critical minerals as established in the critical minerals lists of many OECD countries including the US, the UK, Canada, Japan and the EU. The development potential of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (or ‘Middle Corridor’) holds opportunities for connecting mining regions with foreign markets and enable better integration of these regions into global value chains. The mining sector, however, causes a range of environmental problems, including greenhouse emissions, air and water pollution, and ecosystem destructions, as well as social challenges. To ensure that the mining sector effectively contributes to the much needed transition to more environmentally virtuous economic systems, its development should be done in accordance with the best international practices available to reduce its harmful effects on the environment. Thus, efforts to develop fit-for-purpose mining sectors in Eurasia will require to i) create the conditions for attracting investment and financing for critical minerals in particular, and ii) reduce environmental effects of mining operations and enable just transitions in mining regions.